Antibacterial effects of natural compounds: Are they better when acting alone or together?

Antibacterial effects of natural compounds: Are they better when acting alone or together? W. Sumera, M.Sc., A. Goc, Ph.D., A. Niedzwiecki, Ph.D. and M. Rath, M.D. Dr. Rath Research Institute, San Jose, CA, USA. Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Email: AbstractFull TextFiguresReferencesPDFAbstract With worldwide increase…

L-lysine and vitamin C work better in synergy against Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumannii

L-lysine and vitamin C work better in synergy against Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumanniis W. Sumera, M.Sc., A. Goc, Ph.D., A. Niedzwiecki, Ph.D. and M. Rath, M.D. Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Email: AbstractFull TextFiguresReferencesPDFAbstract For centuries various plants and their natural compounds were used…

Health Benefits of Specific Micronutrient Combinations in Diabetes

Health Benefits of Specific Micronutrient Combinations in Diabetes M. Chatterjee A. Niedzwiecki A.Goc M . Rath Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Email: AbstractFull TextFiguresReferencesPDFAbstract Currently, diabetes affects more than five hundred million people worldwide and the numbers are projected to increase. Conventional management of diabetes…

Scientific basis of micronutrient applications as an effective, safe, and affordable global public health strategy to help control the coronavirus pandemic

Scientific basis of micronutrient applications as an effective, safe, and affordable global public health strategy to help control the coronavirus pandemic A. Niedzwiecki, Ph.D., M. Rath, M.D., Dr. Rath Research Institute, CA, USA Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Email: Full TextFiguresReferencesPDFFull Text Global impact of…

The micronutrient combination with immune-enhancing effects

The micronutrient combination with immune-enhancing effects W. Sumera, M.Sc., A. Goc, Ph.D., Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D., Matthias Rath, M.D. Dr. Rath Research Institute, CA, USA Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Email: AbstractFull TextTables and FiguresReferencesPDFAbstract Infectious diseases have become a growing health problem worldwide. Thus, the…

Micronutrient combination inhibits two key steps of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection: viral binding to ACE2 receptor and its cellular expression

Micronutrient combination inhibits two key steps of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection: viral binding to ACE2 receptor and its cellular expression A. Goc, Ph.D., W. Sumera, M.Sc., Vadim Ivanov, M.D., Ph.D., Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D., Matthias Rath, M.D. Dr. Rath Research Institute, CA, USA Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Corresponding author:…

Effective and safe global public health strategy to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: Specific micronutrient composition inhibits Coronavirus cell-entry receptor (ACE2) expression

Effective and safe global public health strategy to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: Specific micronutrient composition inhibits Coronavirus cell-entry receptor (ACE2) expression Ivanov V, Ivanova S, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M Dr. Rath Research Institute, CA, USA Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Email: SummaryFull TextTables and FiguresReferencesPDFSummary…

Nutritional Deficiencies in Young People: Causes, Consequences and Strategies

Nutritional Deficiencies in Young People: Causes, Consequences and Strategies M. Chatterjee, Ph.D. Dr. Rath Research Institute, CA, USA Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Dr. Rath Research Institute, 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, CA 95138, USA Email: Full TextReferencesPDFFull Text Introduction Being in the ‘prime of life’, health problems of individuals ranging from teenage years to late twenties…