Copyright refers to the restrictive rights to publicize and disseminate a manuscript.
The rise of the Open Access movement led to lengthy and intense discussions on copyright management policies. This process resulted in the development of progressive new codes that deviate strongly from the traditional academic publishing arrangements in which authors were asked to transfer their rights entirely to the journal publisher. We decided not to build on such traditional, outmoded copyright models but to implement a progressive alternative.
Hence, manuscripts submitted to the Journal of CM & NH will be published under the Creative Commons (CC) Attribution Licenses that lay down rights and obligations regarding re-distribution and re-use of a manuscript on conditions of the creator’s choice.
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization devoted to replacing the “dominant and increasingly restrictive permission culture in which authors get to create only with the permission of the powerful or of creators from the past”.
License features
Based on personal preferences, authors can select a license that clearly defines how the reader may and may not use the manuscript. As such, the creator can grant additional permissions to the reader by selecting a CC license characterized by a lower level of restrictions on use. The licenses are composed of the following regulatory modules:

Attribution (BY):
Others have the right to distribute and copy your publication, create revised versions and build upon your work with no limitations as long as they credit you as the original author(s), and do not damage your reputation via document modifications.

Share-Alike (SA):
Others may copy, distribute, display, perform and modify your work as long as they distribute any modified work on the same terms (by using a license which is identical to the license that governs the original work).

No Derivative Works (ND):
Others may copy, distribute, display and perform only original copies of your work. Modifications without permission are not allowed.

Non-Commercial (NC):
You let others copy, distribute, display, perform and (unless you have chosen NoDerivs) modify and use your work for non-commercial purposes only.
Six rights management policies
Authors will be asked to define permitted use by selecting one of the following Creative Commons rights management policies.
CC- user licenses

Attribution – Share Alike

Attribution – NonCommercial

Attribution – NonCommercial – ShareAlike

Attribution – NoDerivs

Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivs

In submitting to the Journal of Cellular Medicine and Natural health, the author agrees that his work will be published under one of the six user licenses. He/she, as an author, allows reuse on the terms best suited to his/her needs.
Prior to submission, permission should be obtained for the use of copyrighted materials from other sources. Written permissions should be submitted by the corresponding author (see copyright release form).